Women advise men: These are 8 ways to make us happy

Even though you think it is not easy to please a woman, however, is not so complicated. Although there are numerous tips on how to please a woman, you can easily create the impression that the word is almost a science project for which need to read hundreds of pages of books. Men’s Team fitnessm …   Read More

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Even though you think it is not easy to please a woman, however, is not so complicated.
Although there are numerous tips on how to please a woman, you can easily create the impression that the word is almost a science project for which need to read hundreds of pages of books.

Men’s Team fitnessm portal, trasmetonTelegrafi, has decided to directly ask where is the secret women, whereas women responded aged 23 to 32 years old. Here’s what they said:

1 erogenous zones are not myth
Do not shame the impact of kissing. There is only way to tell us that you have decided to spend the night with us. “When my boyfriend kiss me on the neck and ear just seems like more lift in the sky, so she’s feeling pervades all to klitorisi” says 27-year-old Tessi.

2 “Dirty Talk” ‘
It is not necessary to talk to the woman rolls. If you are in a luxury restaurant is not saying that definitely prevent you calmly tell them that you feel pleasure to meet you right to the table and tell it what would you like to do when go home, says 31-year-old Marianna. “If women do you know how you want, the easier it will you all with imagination ‘, she says.

3 Do not forget the female breasts
“It’s hard to describe in words how much i love when i hear devote some time to my chest and gently plays with. And makes me feel very relaxed and instantly experience orgasm, “says 27-Segregated Laine.

4 Let him take the initiative
“It makes me rejoice more when I have the opportunity to stand on when he is lying. Such stills for us women is very suitable and keep checking for setting the pace, “says 24-year-old Brooke. At all times maintain eye contact and have sex, become more intense. I advise men that there is nothing wrong just stick lying and enjoy watching us. ”

5 common Shower
Everyone says to try joint shower. When you get together under the shower do not have to worry about appearance or what it is you enter the water in the ears or eyes, while some parts are hidden until you are contiguous to each other. This creates great excitement to both partners, says 29-year-old Julie.

6 Locate the “point”
“Flatter when love costs a little more time to explore more, rather than just kiss me. It’s a feeling so intense that experience orgasm easily. When you do this, know that I really want to be happy, “says 26-year-old Chloe.

7 Morning Sex
“Flatter when they wake up with the feeling that our bodies are contiguous to one another and to feel how I eksitohem. After a good night sleep, sex in that position really is excellent, “says 25-year-old Yana.

8 Sex surprising after returning from work
Some of the best sexual experiences with my husband when I had started to touch after returning home from work, while I was still dressed in work clothes. Therefore, I advise men not to forget stripping clothes, says 32-year-old Paulina

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