When Plastic Surgery Goes Wrong

It’s very reminiscent of that other famous singer who dramatically changed their looks,Michael Jackson. While shocking surgery like this for celebrities usually leaves us questioning why no one around them told them to stop, when plastic surgery goes wrong on the non-celebrity circuit the outcome is often a lot more severe. Celebs seeing top plastic …   Read More

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It’s very reminiscent of that other famous singer who dramatically changed their looks,Michael Jackson.

While shocking surgery like this for celebrities usually leaves us questioning why no one around them told them to stop, when plastic surgery goes wrong on the non-celebrity circuit the outcome is often a lot more severe.

Celebs seeing top plastic surgeons just tend to go too far. A nip here, a tuck there can turn to a complete transformation. Lil’ Kim isn’t the first and she won’t be the last.

But it doesn’t always lead to accident claims being brought against plastic surgeons; just column inches in the gossip mags. However, plastic surgery going wrong is extremely serious and can actually lead to serious medical conditions as well as death.

Be safe when looking into plastic surgery

Be safe when looking into plastic surgery

Following on from the PIP implants scandal, a review of the plastic surgery industry in the UK was implemented in 2012; here are just some of the reasons why it’s been a long time coming.

Simple procedures
Claudia Aderotimi, a British model, 20, who travelled to the United States to receive  bottom enhancing injections in 2011, tragically died shortly afterwards.

She had initially complained of chest pains and shortness of breath after the treatment. It was ruled by the coroner that she died from a blood clot that lodged in her lung due to complications that arose from the silicone injection.

Many plastic surgery procedures can appear quite simple, however it is not always explained to patients just how the procedure such as silicone (or other substance) can potentially react with their body; sometimes leading to fatal injuries.

Another simple procedure which ended the life of the patient involved was Kelly McLure, 31, who suffered a heart attack and brain damage following a simple routine cosmetic procedure for her chin and nose. She died six months after the £5,800 operation and as a direct result of it.

The issue in this case occurred due to the fact that she suffered from antithrombin III deficiency, a condition which left her prone to deep vein thrombosis. However, this was not discussed with the cosmetic surgery team until the day the operation was due to be carried out.

These are two extreme and very sad cases. While some injuries are less extreme, they can still lead to severe issues with health or further procedures being carried out making the following advice essential for anyone considering going under the knife for cosmetic reasons.

Don’t sign anything straight away
You may have gone for an initial free consultation and be told you need to sign then and there in order to receive a discount on the procedure. Don’t sign until you are fully aware of the potential dangers of the operation and have fully considered the procedure properly.

If the cosmetic team is less than forthcoming with the details, check with your GP before committing to any kind of surgery.

Check credentials
Always check the medical credentials of those conducting the surgery before signing anything. These can be checked with the General Medical Council if the procedure is being conducted in the UK. Be especially careful where you are travelling abroad for an operation.

It may be cheaper but there could be many more factors you need to consider such as whether there is help available should things go wrong and ensuring you have appropriate medical insurance in place.

Deal with any problems immediately
If there are any complications with your surgery, seek medical advice from qualified professionals immediately. It’s also important to contact personal injury solicitors who will be able to assist you with claiming compensation.
Accidents can and do happen. Always ensure you are as careful as possible and ask the right questions before committing to anything.

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